Thursday, August 7, 2008

How To Approach A Woman?

by: Terry Leslie

The old saying, “The Knight In Shining Armor” still exists today like it did in the medieval times. Only difference is that we’re no longer on a horse and wearing our metal. These days it’s more of a male chivalry which we all men should show if we want to attract our woman. Women are always looking for their knight in shining armor all the time. It is in them to want to be rescued. So whenever there is a chance to help a woman in need, never hesitate. Just do it!

We may not be attracted to the woman we help, but you never know if there is another woman around the corner watching your good deeds. What is important is that this has to be real, a habit you gradually develop over time. You really should not do it just to attract a woman. The more you give, the more you get back. Just don’t expect it right away or else you’ll be disappointed.

So in future when ever you see a woman who either, needs help or rescue from a situation, go for it. Rescuing a woman is one of the surest ways to win their heart. Whether it’s from another man or an embarrassing situation, find a way to save the day and very likely you’ve immediately also found a way to her heart.

Woman unconsciously also like to see that you have good relationships with other women around your age because it shows that you are also liked by other women. She’ll find this attractive.

Never approach a woman too directly and stare down at her as she’ll begin to find you too intimidating or even creepy. An indirect approach is best. Try to also stay away from the usual pick-up lines such as the weather, buying her a drink etc.

You are much better off relating to her on some level. Try to find a common interest.

Its best to therefore approach women as a friend or casual acquaintance as this gives you the best chance to get to know her a little bit more and quickly find a common ground of interest. This can then be further developed into a full blown conversation. It also puts pressure off you trying to score on first attempt with expectations of a long lasting romance or a one night stand and then feeling stupid if you didn’t succeed.

Take your time, and continue practicing. This is the only way you’ll gain confidence over time. The more you do it, the more you’ll feel comfortable picking up women.

In the mean time, Good Luck!

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