Friday, August 8, 2008

Who To Avoid Online?

by: Vivian Johnson

Those of us that have been dating awhile can usually spot a loser within 60 seconds or less. But, our skills may not be as equally sharp online. That is why we have to be extra cautious.

Most of us have some “hidden secrets” neatly tucked away in one of our back pockets. When the time is right, we will very slowly ease it out. But we’re usually not dumb enough to just sling in someone’s face immediately. So, if someone displays certain characteristics from the beginning...? The people that didn’t even take the time to “hide” their issues until a more opportune time? Run....

Who to avoid online:

The ones that curse (or...cuss) constantly. When the newness of the relationship wears off, this will get real old real quick!

The person that is always flat broke. Never has a dime...never has the tip...can’t buy a newspaper from the corner...too busted to even flag down the ice cream man!

The meek little mouse that the entire world takes advantage of. From sun up to sun down, every person including total strangers are against them.

The lazy person, that can’t seem to ever find the right job for them! They don’t feel they are lazy, they just can’t find their dream job. So, in the mean time...they will just sleep on it...

The constant complainer. Nothing ever goes right. The neighbors are too loud, the waitress is too slow, the groceries are too high, they are paid too little, their corns and bunions hurt, etc.

The self-righteous person. They exercise everyday, they only eat the right foods, they are at their desk at 7:55 sharp, they stop on the yellow lights, they use the turning signal and sticks their arm out of the window...just in case. You will never be able to compete with the image they have of themselves.

These are just a few of the people you should avoid online. Before too long, I’m sure you will have a list of your own!